Do you know who Indy Blue is?
The only influencer I’ve been following for five years straight.

Indy Blue Severe is an instagrammer, blogger, vlogger, artsy travel video-er, life video-er, and creator of the Lonely Ghost Co. You know, the “I love you, say it back” brand; the slogan Addison Rae took and put on her makeup line after wearing Indy Blue’s apparel…This tidbit of information isn’t really relevant, but I wanted to give you all some sort of connection to the popular social media world.
Indy and Lonely Ghost are so severely (Severe-ly ha) underrated, but — this is not at all to say that she is a nobody. In fact, she has 345k followers on Instagram (@ indyblue_)and Lonely Ghost (@ has 147k.
And clearly they do well, considering every time I want to buy the latest merch drop from , they always sell out before I can get one. (Indy, if you’re reading this then please restock the Mostly Ghostly hoodies.)

If you were any type of basic girl back in 2016, you probably have seen her viral year video: I believe it was on Vimeo at the time, but it was also all over Twitter, where I would go back to watch it over and over again. In fact, at the age of 16, I immediately gathered all videos I could find and threw them into iMovie to try to create a Walmart version of that video… it did not go too well.

I digress.
The reason I’m writing this is because I feel like Indy is one of the realest (yet still cool) “influencers” of today’s day and age. And other influencers should take note.
She’s big on simply being a good person. Her newest merch line literally revolves around the slogan, “It’s cool to care.” She has another labeled the “Self-Love Club.” She tells her fans when she’s doing well and when she’s not, rather than attempting to portray a ‘perfect life’, like so many others do. While it’s true that letting your followers know your life isn’t exactly what it seems tends to becoming more common these days, Indy was doing it before it was cool. She also isn’t faking it; isn’t doing this stuff for clout. And she rarely, if ever, posts any type of sponsored content on her instagram. Now, I’m not saying that all your other favorite influencers are money-grabbing liars who try to extort your pity by occasionally posting about their own issues. No. Not at all. I think it’s great for influencers to post about their own hardships and struggles, while mixing in that entertaining or aesthetically pleasing content that their fans want to see. I’m simply making an observation that Indy seems to be transparent with many aspects of her life that the average Instagrammer is not. And posts cool photos.
One of the main things I love so much about her self brand is the way she romanticizes life in a way I feel everyone should be doing — taking note of the little things and looking at the world as though it should be documented. Again, it isn’t being faked for the camera. Some moments are so pure that it is almost impossible to recapture them with the same original beauty. Indy’s videos and posts make me feel like life deserves to be photographed and loved, which is so extremely different from any other influencer today. She will somehow capture an extremely pure moment between her family, friends, or both, that makes my heart swell. I’m talking stuff that the average person might not notice. Stuff like the way a couple glances at each other when no one is looking, a deep belly laugh at a joke someone told, someone dancing by themselves…stuff you might notice in the moment but quickly forget or not even care to remember. That’s the stuff I want to remember and I want to mentally capture it the way she physically captures it.
This is why I feel like you all should know her. Her posts serve as motivation. Inspiration. Not to look or be a certain way, but simply to look around and appreciate your life more. And I think that’s a message people completely overlook these days.
Okay, that’s it. That was my rant for the day. :)